Sweet Corn Puddin's Legacy

In the heart of every family, there lies a treasure trove of traditions, passed down through generations like precious heirlooms. For Tiera, that treasure was a humble yet unforgettable dish: sweet corn pudding. A recipe woven into the fabric of her family's holiday celebrations, it was a symbol of love, comfort, and cherished memories.

But when Tiera's beloved great aunt Nettie, the guardian of this tradition, was diagnosed with dementia, the future of their cherished dish hung in the balance. Determined to preserve the legacy of her family's culinary heritage, Tiera embarked on a journey of culinary discovery, armed with determination and a sprinkle of nostalgia.

Years of trial and error ensued as Tiera tirelessly honed her craft, seeking to capture the essence of her great aunt's sweet corn pudding. With each batch, she delved deeper into the flavors of her childhood, unlocking the secrets hidden within each spoonful.

Finally, after countless hours spent in the kitchen and countless taste tests, Tiera achieved the impossible: she recreated her great aunt's sweet corn pudding to perfection! With tears of joy in her eyes, she brought a taste of the past to her great aunt's nursing home, where the echoes of memory danced in every bite.

As her great aunt savored the familiar flavors, a spark of recognition lit up her eyes, and with a smile, she declared, "I made this. I did my good cooking with this!" In that moment, Tiera knew that she had found her calling: to share the magic of sweet corn pudding with the world.

With the passing of her great aunt in December 2023, Tiera vowed to honor her memory by spreading the joy of sweet corn pudding far and wide. Encouraged by the unwavering support of family, friends, and her community, Tiera took a leap of faith in January 2024 by launching Sweet Corn Puddin'.

Driven by a passion to touch hearts and bring people together through the universal language of food, Tiera’s dreams of expanding Sweet Corn Puddin' to an online store, making it accessible to families everywhere was born. In every spoonful of Sweet Corn Puddin’ lies not just a taste of tradition, but a legacy of love that transcends time and borders.

And so, the story of Sweet Corn Puddin' continues to unfold, a testament to the power of perseverance, the beauty of shared memories, and the enduring spirit of family. For Tiera, it's not just about selling a dessert; it's about preserving a legacy and spreading joy, one puddin’ at a time!

Pictured below, the late Lottie Annette Washington (Nettie)
Pictured below, Founder & CEO Tiera Smith-Anderson